Thursday, May 23, 2019

Servant hood

Many of us want to be Masters in the place where you are.
God is looking for faithful servant.
We want to be bossy, rule.

Mark 10:35-42 NKJV
But Jesus called them to Himself and said to them, “You know that those who are considered rulers over the Gentiles Lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them.

Genesis 15:2 NKJV
But Abram said, “Lord God , what will You give me, seeing I go childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?”
Abraham says Lord I don't have any children, the heit of my house is Eliezer of damuscus.
Heir - the one who will have next inheritance.
These days if a servant knows that there is a chance for him to become master. They will go to any extent to become that heir.

Now the son is born.and the servant was still there.

Genesis 21:2 NKJV
For Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him.
When he grew up, Abraham asked  oldest servant,
Genesis 24:2 NKJV
So Abraham said to the oldest servant of his house, who ruled over all that he had, “Please, put your hand under my thigh,
1 don't mix with crowd
Don't take a wife for my son from gentiles.
People who are called by God should not mix with gentiles.

Genesis 24:3 NKJV

and I will make you swear by the Lord , the God of heaven and the God of the earth, that you will not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell;

Genesis 24:5 NKJV
Servant should not take the believer to mix with unbeliever.
And the servant said to him, “Perhaps the woman will not be willing to follow me to this land. Must I take your son back to the land from which you came?”
Jesus says don't make little children stumble

Matthew 18:6 NKJV
“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.


A servant always prays and seeks the move of God in his life in every step of his life.
We do things casually in life , but the true servants of God. Pray and wait .

Genesis 24:12 NKJV
Then he said, “O Lord God of my master Abraham, please give me success this day, and show kindness to my master Abraham.
3. Wait on the Lord

And the man, wondering at her, remained silent so as to know whether the Lord had made his journey prosperous or not.
Genesis 24:21 NKJV

But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

4. Worship and thankfulness
Genesis 24:26‭-‬27 NKJV
Then the man bowed down his head and worshiped the Lord . And he said, “Blessed be the Lord God of my master Abraham, who has not forsaken His mercy and His truth toward my master. As for me, being on the way, the Lord  led me to the house of my master’s brethren.”
5. Servant - food should be the last thing.
Masters work is first.Mission oriented.

Genesis 24:33 NKJV
Food was set before him to eat, but he said, “I will not eat until I have told about my errand.” And he said, “Speak on.”
compare to Esau.

6.servant - No Delay , No Postponement.

Genesis 24:56 NKJV
And he said to them, “Do not hinder me, since the Lord has prospered my way; send me away so that I may go to my master.”

Servant girl to Namaan.
II Kings 5:3 NKJV

Then she said to her mistress, “If only my master were with the prophet who is in Samaria! For he would heal him of his leprosy.”

Lord Jesus showed what the servant hood is.

He never looked for his stay, his food, his clothes
His thoughts are always for the compassion of the people.
To be servant, you need to have obedience and compassion to the people.
Paul called himself as bond servant.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Word and Power of God

After becoming believer also, many times in our lives we make mistakes.
and we wonder where it went wrong,where did the mistake happen?
you might say i am coming to Church, i am giving tithe, but where was the mistake.

Matthew 22:23-29 NKJV
23 The same day the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to Him and asked Him, 24 saying: “Teacher, Moses said that if a man dies, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife and raise up offspring for his brother. 25 Now there were with us seven brothers. The first died after he had married, and having no offspring, left his wife to his brother. 26 Likewise the second also, and the third, even to the seventh. 27 Last of all the woman died also. 28 Therefore, in the resurrection, whose wife of the seven will she be? For they all had her.”

Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God.
There are 2 types of questions.

1) You want to Honest - know the Truth, 
2) You want to dis-honest - want to trick others.

The Sadducees never believe in Resurrection.
They wanted to test/trick Jesus.
They asked a question which looked tricky , testy
There were seven brothers who had one woman and whose wife she will be in heaven.
At first, they might have thought the best tricky question ever to ask.
But they don't know that they are dealing with Creator, the Son of God.
When you know who the person you are dealing with. Your questions will be different.
If you are talking to a small baby, your question will be to the stature of the other person.
If the opposite person status is an doctor, you will not ask a tricky question, but with respect you will ask how a disease can be healed etc.
I cannot goto bill gates and put a tricky question about software. But when we ask a question you will ask to know something.
Most of the time, our questions to God ,why what , how does it make sense.
Jesus reply to Sadducees is this.
Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God.
Matthew 22:29 NKJV

You are mistaken.

1) Not knowing Scriptures
2) Not knowing the Power of God.

A person is mistaken because of 2 things.

If he doesn't know Scriptures

The Sadducees asked whose wife she will be in heaven.
Jesus said you don't know Scriptures, they saw they are teachers, buy they don't know what will be in heaven.
Jesus said don't you know that they will be like angels in heaven.
And God Said IAM the God of Abraham. Isaac and Jacob.
He didn't say I was, but IAM.
Even a small verb matters in the Word of God.

Delight in the Word of God. Deligently seek God and believe in His Word and you will see amazing things.

John 20:9 NKJV
After Jesus Resurrection, when the disciples Peter and John went to the tomb they went inside. The Word says they did not know the scripture, that He must rise again from the dead.

For as yet they did not know the Scripture, that He must rise again from the dead.

What is the Scripture they don't know

Psalms 16:10 NKJV
For You will not leave my soul in Sheol, Nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption.
But same Peter on the day of Pentecost, spoke to Word
Acts 2:31 NKJV
he, foreseeing this, spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ, that His soul was not left in Hades, nor did His flesh see corruption.

Do you know the Word of God.
Knowing the Word of God is not the information you have because you heard a message nor Because you read the Word.
But do you believe in the Word.

Sadducees might have heard about Resurrection many times, 
but they never believed because they thought they belong to particular group. And the whole groups did not believe in resurrection , so the people born in that community also believe what their parents did.

Knowing the Word means- Your Trust in Word of God should exceed your above your culture, above your traditions.

Sadducees could not come out of their cult beliefs.

We many times act like Sadducees.

I come from this region, in my region we do like this, so I will do like that.
For example: we follow so many traditions and we are not able to overcome even though we heard the Word so many times because we heard it but we did not believe it.

Then we come and ask tricky questions to Pastor ,  just like Sadducees did.

God is not partial.

Do you know the Word of God?
When God speaks to you , do you believe it.
For people who believe they have no questions or they have right questions.

For people who don't know the Word they are mistaken.


People will be mistaken when they don't know the Power of God.

People of Israel saw many wonders  when they were in Egypt.

Moses did many miracles in Egypt.
But when they came to Wilderness , for every discomfort they started doubting, At every point, they doubted Gods Power. so they were mistaken and lost in their journey because of their unbelief in Power of God.

Lord's creation- Power
Gods Power is revealed in His Creation

Romans 1:20
 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and [g]Godhead, so that they are without excuse,

His Power is revealed since the creation of the world.Right from the creation of the world , all the mountains trees, heavens, all the animals, birds and everything that you see. Gods power is visible.

Woman with the issue of blood.

Mark 5:30 NKJV
And Jesus, immediately knowing in Himself that power had gone out of Him, turned around in the crowd and said, “Who touched My clothes?”
There is a big multitude and so many people are touching Jesus.
But power of God went out to one woman.
The woman heard of Jesus, and she took a step of faith if only I touch Him, I shall be made well.
Power of God is  available even to this day to those who step out in faith.
That absolute trust in the power of God .
Today this nation has medicine for every disease they find, people Google for every issue of the body.
But lf everyone of us can just say If only I touch him , I Shall be made well.

Every time a healing happens, Work of God is done, there is Power is released.

Sadducees did not understand this Power of God.
The Sadducees are descendants of Priest Zadok, who served in the days of King David and his son Solomon .
Later they became very wealthy and influential.
They are a group who believes in Supreme God,but they don't believe in life after death, or angels and spirit .
They think everything ends here
But they are religious leaders.
Today also we see many people who are religious but deny the power of God.
They have from of godliness but deny it's Power.
having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!

II Timothy 3:5 NKJV
When people of God become lovers of Pleasure, than lovers of God. You deny the Power of God.
And people say ,If it happens then let it happen.
When we become true lovers of God, we will see the power of Godliness.
Living in the miracles, signs, wonders  of God is th supernatural life for believer.
Here am I and the children whom the Lord has given me! We  are for signs and wonders in Israel From the Lord of hosts, Who dwells in Mount Zion.

Isaiah 8:18 NKJV
Isaiah said Here i am , me and my children, we are for signs and wonders of God.
Israel was backsliding at that time, and Isaiah say this.

Judges 6:13 NKJV
Gideon said to Him, “O my Lord, if the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us? And where are all His miracles which our fathers told us about, saying, ‘Did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt?’ But now the Lord has forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.”
Gideon say My Lord where are all the same miracles. Gideon was desperate to see the Power of God in their lives.
One thing that becomes a hindrance for power of God is our legal minds.
Lawful mind
And behold, there was a man who had a withered hand. And they asked Him, saying, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?”—that they might accuse Him.

Matthew 12:10 NKJV
The religious leaders at that time we're more concerned about Sabbath than to see the power of God.
When anyone is healed on Sabbath,they would say why He healed on Sabbath.
Today Church has to come out of this legalistic nature.
Can this disease be healed.
Can this relationship be healed?
After these many years of marriage , can they have children?
Lord Jesus many times had done miracles when there was Sabbath.
Let not our lawful mind be an obstacle for the release of  power of God - Sabbath.
Paul came in Word and Power.

I Thessalonians 1:5 NKJV
For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance, as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake.

Real test is in Power of God.
I Corinthians 4:18‭-‬20 NKJV
Now some are puffed up, as though I were not coming to you. But I will come to you shortly, if the Lord wills, and I will know, not the word of those who are puffed up, but the power. For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power.
Jesus said to the Sadducees, you are mistaken.
Because you do not know the Word.
You do not know the Power of God.
Let us seek  His Word and Power


Thursday, May 16, 2019

Fellowship of the Holy Spirit

The Revelation of God from the beginning is this.
Progressive Revelation

1) God in the old testament revealed to people the Lord God Almighty.
Very few had the Revelation of God.
If we see from the Bible
Abel did what was acceptable in  sight of God.
Seth had a son Enosh and men began to call on the Name of the Lord.
Enoch walked with God
There was communion and fellowship between Enoch and God.
Noah was man attested by God as righteous, built the ark in the midst of opposition and saved his family.
Abraham - God chose Abraham to be Father of many nations.
Isaac , Jacob and all the tribes .
If anyone touches the mountain they will be dead.
God would reveal Himself in different ways.

John 14:15-18
Moses had walk with God.

Numbers 12:6 NKJV
Then He said, “Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I , the Lord , make Myself known to him in a vision; I speak to him in a dream.
Moses had fellowship with God.

During Moses time, at the long of Sinai, people were afraid to come to near to the mountain,
Common man in Israel had no fellowship only the leader.

Joshua and Caleb.  Joshua had close fellowship with God.

Later, The fellowship with God became rare.
Judges  occasionally had spoken to God and get direction

Then Prophets. God would speak to Prophets and Prophets would convey that message to Kings and people.

David had fellowship with God.
And Prophets came isaish, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Amos, Zephaniah,Zacharaiahh, and all other Prophets.

And when the fulfillment of time has come , the Lord Jesus came to this world He created and walked on the earth and had fellowship with His disciples.
While the Lord was having that fellowship with His disciples , He wanted to share many things to them

John 16:12 NKJV
“I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now."
But already it was too much for them, this knowledge of Most High God is overwhelming.
And the Lord said you cannot bear them.

But next verse says when He comes He will guide you into all Truth
Lord Jesus promised that from now on the generations will have the fellowship of the Spirit of God.
Holy Spirit.

Resides in us.

So now the fellowship of a believer is with the HolySpirit

This is the progressive Revelation of God
Man had fellowship with Almighty God, people  like Moses, Enoch.
Disciples walked with Jesus and eat with Him and shared with Him.
After the day of Pentecost,every born again believer had one promise , that is Promise of the HolySpirit.
In this world,
Whom do we call a person as an orphan?
People who do not have parents a father or mother.

Why do we call them orphan - because there is no one who can take care of them, there is no one whom they can tell their life. those who can stand with you.

It is your parents who feed you, it is your parents who correct you, it is your parents who brought you to this stage. If it is not for your parents you would not be what you are  now.  and you may not have realized that their constant communion with you is what has brought you to this stage.

if you have seen children growing up with out parents , often end up going astray. they end up in wrong ways. because there is no one who really care for them.

So that is why we call a person orphan when they dont have true fellowship of their parents.

But in the sight of God, the definition of Orphan is different.
15 “If you love me, keep my commands. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be[c] in you. 18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.

Verse 18 says  I will not leave you as orphans.
What Lord Jesus says here is does not mean i will not leave you without father and mother. No I will not leave you without the fellowship of God.

A man is an orphan when he does not have fellowship of God.
Any person who does not know God, and does not have this fellowship of the true living God is orphan.

That is why when Jesus was going away, in verse 16 He says advocate to help you and be with you forever, the Spirit of Truth.

whoever does not have this fellowship of the Spirit of God is orphan.

Holy Spirit of God is  part of the Trinity God Head.

2 Corinthians 13:14
14 May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

In the benediction , the pastor say grace of Lord Jesus Christ, Love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

The Trinity is Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit , many people sometimes say It, but He. Person of the Trinity.
He is real person. Unseen But the God of Promise.

What was not revealed to the old testament , the Apostles received this mystery by  Holy Spirit
What has not seen, nor heard, nor entered the hearts, God revealed through His Spirit.

Except through Holy Spirit , no one can get revelation of God
If you want to know God, even when you read the Word, ask for revelation of God through His Spirit.

 1 Corinthians 2:9

But as it is written:
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. 11 For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. 12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.
The Holy Spirit teaches all things, and brings to remembrance all things that I said to you.
Every Word that was spoken to you, it was the bring to remembrance.

John 14:26
26 But the [g]Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.


Acts 13:1-3
13 Now in the church that was at Antioch there were certain prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Then, having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them away.


John 3:6 NKJV

That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

Flesh gives birth to flesh.
Anything that we try to achieve will always leads to flesh.

But Spirit gives birth to Spirit.

The Holy Spirit God is the One who led us to Jesus.
He is the one who  led us to repentance.

Many times we hear people saying though I may not come, I will he with you in Spirit.

But for Christians, even when you are physically present you should be in Spirit.

Fellowship with Spirit 
Starts with Spirit of God dwelling in us.

I Corinthians 3:16 NKJV
Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?


Your vessel , you as a whole is temple for God.
Your body. Soul, Spirit hosts HolySpirit God.

Whenever the Word Temple is used we should realize Temple is Holy.
The  fellowship with Spirit of God  starts first by becoming Temple of God.
So the first step of fellowship is Holiness.
Next verse says if anyone defiles God's temple, He will destroy.
How many times did we defile this temple?
Holiness is the beginning of your fellowship with Spirit of God.
How we use our tongue, how we use our body parts , how we use our mids and thoughts and the intentions - everything matters.
Because we are not dealing with just any man, but we are dealing with Holy Spirit God and His Temple.

1 Corinthians 6:15-17
15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? Certainly not! 16 Or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her? For “the two,” He says, “shall become one flesh.”17 But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.

See when you have true fellowship, you are actually becoming One.
When you joined with world , one flesh.
But when you joined to the Lord -One Spirit with Him.

How Spirit of God can have fellowship with man?

When you live in a house with a person , you talk , when the person is weak you help.

Romans 8:26

Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

Many times we ask Pastor, other believers to pray for us.
But when we abide in Him, but when have fewllowship with Him, 
Spirit of God prays for us. Holy Spirit God is our Helper , He is our Comforter. He even interceds to the Father on behalf of us.

Also, When any believer stands for the Word of God.for the Truth, there will be persecution.
It could be from own families, or friends, or people you know.
But when this kind of persecution comes, Spirit of God helps what to speak.

Mark 13:11
11 But when they arrest youand deliver you up, do not worry beforehand, [d]or premeditate what you will speak. But whatever is given you in that hour, speak that; for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.

Do not Grieve the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 4:30 NKJV
And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

In our regular life, the people I think whom we have close fellowship can hurt us sometimes or we could hurt them. And when hurt they are grieved.
In the same way , do you know that you can hurt Holy Spirit of God.
Or make Him grieve?

In the way you treat another brother or sister, you can hurt Holy Spirit God.

Next verse says
Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice.
Ephesians 4:31 NKJV


Law of Spirit gives freedom from Law of life and death.

2 Corinthians 3:17
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom
In Old testament times, when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. The 
 Veil  is taken away.  When Spirit of God comes into your heart, the veil is gone.
This is what helps a believer to be transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory.

This comes only through Holy Spirit. and when we yield to what the Spirit leads to , there will be glory to glory increase and we are transformed into His Image.

Do not Dare to speak against Holy Spirit.

Matthew 12: 31- 32
31 And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.

When the Power of the Holy Spirit is manifested, let us yield to Spirit of God and receive Him. Do not speak against the Spirit of God.

In this scripture, when Lord Jesus healed demon-possessed man, pharisees blasphemed and said it is only by prince of demons this is done.

Then the Lord says these words, do not do dare to talk against the Holy Spirit.

Spirit of God is precious.