Sunday, September 27, 2020

Psalm 68 ( V21-35)

24 24 They have seen Your [i]procession, O God,
The procession of my God, my King, into the sanctuary.
25 25 The singers went before, the players on instruments followed after;
Among them were the maidens playing timbrels.
26 26 Bless God in the congregations,
The Lord, from the fountain of Israel.

Procession -  A procession is like a parade which often involves people being lined up on either sides of the road for the arrival of a victorious man or a team. There will be a band of singers, people who play instruments, there is continuous praise of the captain of the team and the team.

There is an air of celebration that goes on during the procession.

When we worship God, there should be a celebration.

When a victorious team is coming for a parade, the people are lined up even before the team arrives.

But when we come to Church, some people miss the procession, and they missout being the part of the procession.

But our Worship to God , should be a victorious parade, where we give our highest praise.

Ascribe - In the procession - what you should do - 

V34 Ascribe strength to God;
His excellence is over Israel,
And His strength is in the clouds.

After David killed goliath , in the procession. women were singing.

Saul thousands

David Ten Thousands.

To God, you should tell give praise what belongs to Him, ascribe to Him, the strength

Praise precedes Prayer

many are good in asking, in prayer.. but weak in ascribing what is due to God.

Even during the challenging times, when we ascribe to God what is due, we actually bring the atmosphere of victorious procession.

Many think, after i got the deliverance, After i get the job, after i get married, after things happen, i will praise God.

Examples : Joshua and all Israel

When Joshua and all Israel are in a victorious procession even before the walls fell down.

It is your Worship to God, the brings down the walls, bondages.

When King Jehoshaphat was surrounded by armies, He put the worship team before.

Today, how is our worship to God.

Is there a celebration of God in our own personal lives, and even when we come to Church , is there a celebration of God.

Ascribe to God what is due to Him.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Kingdom people

How do we respond in anger.

1 Samuel 8:9

 Now therefore, heed their voice. However, you shall solemnly forewarn them, and show them the behavior of the king who will reign over them.”

This is the first time , a Kingdom is setup in Israel, and a king was chosen to lead , but this man was chosen according to the wishes of the people.

And God told Samuel to heed their voice but told Samuel to give a forewarning Show the behavior of the king will reign over them.

Israel King behavior.

behavior of the king V 10- 18

But here Israel chose a man who does not have kingdom values, but always to be in the good books of the people.

Israel chose a king based on the reviews of other nations.

Exactly, Today our livestyle is based on this. every product we buy, we check reviews, how other are buying , number of likes/dislikes.

Today our purchases, our satisfaction is all based on what the neighbors are doing.

But God wanted a Kingdom man to lead people of Israel. God  wants every one of us to be a Kingdom man, Kingdom Woman who can take the values of Gods  Kingdom values and apply them in our everyday lives.

Our lifestyle should be based on Gods view.

In the Prayer that the Lord taught His disciples, He taught, Let Your Kingdom Come.

But, Israel ended up with a king who does not have kingdom values, but instead a man who have no regard for Gods values.

how many of you have talked bad when we are angry with our spouse, or our children, siblings.

Times of Crisis reveals true values a person holds. it shows the character.

Let us look at one conversation that hapenned between Saul and his Jonathan.

1 Samuel 20:30,31

 30 Then Saul’s anger was aroused against Jonathan, and he said to him, “You son of a perverse, rebellious woman! Do I not know that you have chosen the son of Jesse to your own shame and to the shame of your mother’s nakedness? 31 For as long as the son of Jesse lives on the earth, you shall not be established, nor your kingdom. Now therefore, send and bring him to me, for he shall surely die.”

An angry man is always in the danger of destruction.

An angry person is always stirred up in his emotions.

Matthew 5:22

22 But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother [e]without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. And whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca!’[f] shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, [g]‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of [h]hell fire

It is an interesting to see how a father talks with his son in his anger.

You son of a perverse, rebellious woman.

First, Saul in his anger talks about Jonathan's mom and calls her a prostitute.

Bad mouthed his wife and Jonathan's mom.

and he says Jonathan is son of prostitute.

So when a person is angry, they accuse the character of wife and also son or whoever comes in their way.

An angry person does the Character assassination. Remember the times when we are angry and spoke and said things that should not have said.

A kingdom man is not stirred up in emotions.But a man who is people pleasar is stirredup in emtions.

Saul - Jealousy

The next big talk Saul does " Do I not know that you have chosen the son of Jesse to your own shame"

Saul is not only Jealous - but also  imparting a spirit of jealousy in Jonathan.

What ever your heart is full of, that is what you will impart in others.

When we talk to kids, or parents, or spouse - when we try to correct, if we bring someone our friends kids, our somebody else spouse.- there is an impartation of spirit of Jealousy or spirit of depression.

Bringing others to do the correction is not a kingdom value.

Ad: if you dont study well, you will be like that beggar.

     on the otherhand, if you study well, you can help many people who need help.

A worldly man will bring comparison with others and brings either a spirit of depression, or a spirit of jealousy in the people you talk.

A kingdom man when he speaks, he imparts faith, godliness in the listener.

Brings Kingdoms values and imparts in the listener.

Saul - Relating the Success of Jonathan with existence of David

Comparison: Saul is now Comparing Jonathan with David.

Saul says, if David is alive, you will not be established.

Rather than coming to God and praying, 

Saul thinks , only if David is killed then Jonathan will be established.

Sometimes people think, if this person is not there i will be successful, if this person is not in company, i will get the promotion, really.

But your success, your childs success, your family sucess comes from the Lord, not based on whether someone helpsyou or someone exists.


But on the other hand we see a kingdom woman,  who in times of anger, pours out Kingdom values .

1 Samuel 25: 23,24

23 Now when Abigail saw David, she dismounted quickly from the donkey, fell on her face before David, and bowed down to the ground. 24 So she fell at his feet and said: “On me, my lord, on me let this iniquity be! And please let your maidservant [f]speak in your ears, and hear the words of your maidservant. 

30 And it shall come to pass, when the Lord has done for my lord according to all the good that He has spoken concerning you, and has appointed you ruler over Israel, 31 that this will be no grief to you, nor offense of heart to my lord, either that you have shed blood without cause, or that my lord has avenged himself. But when the Lord has dealt well with my lord, then remember your maidservant.”

32 Then David said to Abigail: “Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, who sent you this day to meet me! 33 And blessed is your advice and blessed are you, because you have kept me this day from coming to bloodshed and from avenging myself with my own hand. 34 For indeed, as the Lord God of Israel lives, who has kept me back from hurting you, unless you had hurried and come to meet me, surely by morning light no males would have been left to Nabal!” 

we know the story of David and Nabal. 

David protected everything that Nabal has and came to ask him, nabal mocked Davids men.

and David decided to kill nabal.

But Abigail , when she heard that quickly comes to David with all goodies. and see what she says.

a) V 24 - She took responsibility.

b) V 31 -  Why should you deal with this fellow. You actually fight the battles of the Lord.

     She is reminding him of Davids calling -She is showing what David is called for.

     She takes away the anger from David.

    and says why there should bea guilt in Davids life.

V32 - Blessed is your advice.

A Kingdom man, A Kingdom woman brings the Values of Kingdom and pours in the daily live.

Abigiail reminded the higher calling of David and stopped bloodshed.

Today , there is lack of Kingdom people in the Church.

There are many who come to Church, but are you Kingdom minded.

Like Abigial are we kingodm minded.

An Angry man was


Saturday, September 12, 2020

SS Preteen - Making the Grade - Cheating

Proverbs 9:11-18 


For by me your days will be multiplied,
And years of life will be added to you.
12 If you are wise, you are wise for yourself,
And if you scoff, you will bear it alone.”

Cheating kills potential, true learning, clear conscience

Luke 16:10-12

10 He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much. 11 Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? 12 And if you have not been faithful in what is another man’s, who will give you what is your own?

How Cheating in school can lead to other problems

1) Teachers will not trust us,  our friends feel they are being decieved.

2) suscipicious

3) becomes lifestyle

Cheating now - Can lead to future problems.

Advancing in work by cheating

Unfaithful in marriage

Kinds of deceptions in students

1) cheating in exams

2) lying to parents

3) stealing to get something you want

4) betraying a friend to look good before others

Many may argue that making the top grade is important.

good grades do not rank at the top of the God's priority list

for God,  honesty, integrity, hard work is important more than your grade


Leviticus 6:1-7,19:11

Monday, September 7, 2020


Today we see the world is in chaos, with Corona virus, with riots happening. with racial divides, partisan politics at its peak. World, and especially America is in Chaos.

Every physical problem that is manifested outside ,the root is a spiritual.

If we see the Riots happening, there is spiritual issue that is going on.

The founders of some of the movements , they actually do black magic.

In 1800s when Civil war happened, Abraham Lincon prayed, He saw what many others could not see.

Lincon prayed and said Lord Have mercy, but if the blood of all the slaves has to be compensated, let it be so.

The answer for these situations is  not a medical vaccine, not a political solution, but every problem has the answer in Revival.

Famous Revivals

First Great Awakening  Jonathan Edwards is well-known for his “Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God” 

John Weasley, Charles Wesley, preached to millions.

Second Great Awakening Charles Finney  ( America and England)

Third Great Awakening -  DL Moody - Street preaching

Azusa Street Revival -  Pentecostal movement ( William Seymour)

Twentieth Century Revival - Billy Sunday and Billy Graham

For all of these Revivals. there is some problem at its base.
In 1700s, People spirituality died down. Because Colonies of England are flourishing with wealth.
Then Jonathan Edwards started preaching his message Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God.

1820 -1850wSecond , moral fabric of society started going down. there is no morals. misplaced affections, sin are ruining society.

Third 1875-1865 - Civil war,  Great Chicago Fire . DL Moody was not educated.

Fourth 1906-1915 - Pentecostal movement, there was no holiness.

Fifth - twentieth century - Billy Sunday and Billy Graham.

If everything is going good, why do we need a revival.

When we see these situations around are dead, we should know it is the time for a spiritual awakening.

Riots to Revival.

Revival - When the situations are dead , there is need of revival.

Revival - This is a time of Revival.

I believe This is the most important fasting prayer we have ever done in our Church History.

I believe every prayer that we are going to pray in these 21 days has a great spiritual impact.

Remember , every time we pray in these 21days , we are sowing a seed for revival, and who knows the revival might break through from the Fords, NJ.

During the Pentecostal movement, which started on Holiness movement. William Seymour was praying 7 hours a day for many moths n the exepctation that God would act on the right time.

Revival starts with a prayer.  and we are here for that prayer.

On a Labor day, you can rest and get ready the coming work week and school week, but the fact that you chose to be part of this makes a big impact.

In the New Testament:  If there is a big revival that hapenned, it was through John the Baptist is one man who had big revival.

Since the time of Malachi 400 years, there was 

A Revival man is a witness.

A Revival man speaks Truth even when it hurts others, or even when it hurts him.

Look at the ministry or revival meeting of this man - John the Baptist

Matthew 3: 4-6

Now John himself was clothed in camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist; and his food was locusts and wild honey. Then Jerusalem, all Judea, and all the region around the Jordan went out to him and were baptized by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins.

John was different. 

Today many preachers are driven by the audience.

if the audience are hiphop, now you see worship bands looks like hiphop to impress.

If the audience are mostly young people who wear torn jeans, then preachers and worship bands starts wearing the torn jeans, and follow their styles.

But John the Baptist was different, he moved in Power of Spirit of God. He style was based on what he was motivated by Spirit of God.

he didnot dance to the tune of audience.

Revival comes because you follow God, not you follow the todays style.

A Revival Starts with Truth of God.

Luke 3: 7-14

Then he said to the multitudes that came out to be baptized by him, “Brood[b] of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance, and do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones. And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.”10 So the people asked him, saying, “What shall we do then?”11 He answered and said to them, “He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise.”12 Then tax collectors also came to be baptized, and said to him, “Teacher, what shall we do?”13 And he said to them, “Collect no more than what is appointed for you.”14 Likewise the soldiers asked him, saying, “And what shall we do?”So he said to them, “Do not [c]intimidate anyone or accuse falsely, and be content with your wages.”15 Now as the people were in expectation, and all reasoned in their hearts about John, whether he was the Christ or not, 16 John answered, saying to all, “I indeed baptize you with water; but One mightier than I is coming, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. 17 His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather the wheat into His barn; but the chaff He will burn with unquenchable fire.”

When you are organizing a revival meeting and a baptism meeting, what kind of words you speak.

We are so glad that , that this decision you took will change your life. But Revival has another way of talk. 

A true man of God is not a man pleaser, but God pleaser. Whetever is the truth of God, he says it.

If we want a revival, we should stop sugarcoating the truth, and rather start speaking the truth of God.

Say as it is. What Gods Word says, declare it. what Gods Word speaks , speak to the people.

We talk about weather, politics, entertainment, sports, but when it comes to the Salvation ,we dont speak. 

Sports it doesnot hurt others, entertainment does not hurt others.

but when we talk about salvation, people are convicted,  but still speak.

Even John was arrested and beheaded for telling the Truth. But he did not care for his life, but said the Truth,

Truth has Power.

Johns Revival has multitudes.

Because John Started speaking truth, do you think crowds were less.

Mark 1:4

John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance [b]for the remission of sins. Then all the land of Judea, and those from Jerusalem, went out to him and were all baptized by him in the Jordan River, confessing their sins.

Johns meetings were in wilderness, preaching baptism of repentance.

Whole Judea came, Jerusalem came,  they were all baptized.

Multitudes coming to Johns meetings.

Revivals best part is witnessing.

Johns Witness.

John 1

There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That[b] was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world.

19 Now this is the testimony of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, “Who are you?”

20 He confessed, and did not deny, but confessed, “I am not the Christ.”

21 And they asked him, “What then? Are you Elijah?”

He said, “I am not.”

“Are you the Prophet?”

And he answered, “No.”

22 Then they said to him, “Who are you, that we may give an answer to those who sent us? What do you say about yourself?”

23 He said: “I am

‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness:
“Make straight the way of the Lord,” ’

as the prophet Isaiah said.”

In Witness, you make empty of yourself.

John the Baptist said, Iam not a Christ, not Elijah, not a prophet, but a voice of once crying in wilderness, 

John says I am not worthy - John points everything to Christ.

JOhn3:30 says   "He must increase, but I must decrease.”

Spirit of a revival man says He must increase , bu t I must decrease.

32 And John bore witness, saying, “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and He remained upon Him. 33 I did not know Him, but He who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘Upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ 34 And I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God.”

John does not know who that Light is. 

Remember John was the cousin of Jesus.

They might have grown together, may be they have visited their homes, but they knew very well. But never John testified about Jesus.

But when The Spirit descended  and remained on Him, He recognized Jesus, as One who baptizes with the Holy Spirit. Then John says I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God.

When John knew Jesus in an  earthly way as a cousin, a man of good wisdom, he never testified, but when Spirit revealed, he testified.

many times we wonder why we are not able to testify about Jesus to people around us.

because we too often have head knowledge about Christ, coming to Church year after year, we know so much, we can pick up the scriptures, we can talk so much, but only when the work of the Spirit is revealed, our lives are shallow.

Your witness for Christ is not by Theology you have, not the head knowledge you have.

But your witness for Christ by the revelation of Spirit of God.,  

We should go on our knees and pray , Lord I was not able to witness.

We might be wondering how to testify.

God gives every person a dominion:

When i Say a dominion,

If we see police stations, and courts - for each county, they count has courts, for each city the city has its courts. that is its jurisdiction.

In the same manner, every man - has his jurisdiction and God has put certain people in your boundaries- Say Colleagues, friends, neighbors, relatives, your frequently contacted people.

How do we testify. 

John 15:16  - GO
 16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you

A tree might bear the fruit by just staying in its place, but a man bears the fruit by GO and bear fruit.

1 John : 1- 4

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life— the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us— that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And these things we write to you that [a]your joy may be full.

John the Baptist was one of the great man of God who sparked a revival and that too before the ministry of Jesus started.

He emptied himself. He did not boast of his degrees of his qualifications.but rather spoke the truth of God.

Not only He spoke the Truth of God, He became a witness.

His witness is not by mere knowledge, but his witness is by the revelation of Spirit of God.

There is no one greater than John the Baptist.

Luke 7:28 says

28 For I say to you, among those born of women there is [g]not a greater prophet than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.”

Today we are living in desperate times, people are looking for answers. 

country is divided among racial lines, everyone might be thinking what is going on.

The answer is in a revival.

Can we have heart of prayer. 

When many Churches are still online, we as a Church are gathering every Sunday and have fasting prayer.

When many Churches could not gather  because they dont have a space to worship, do you know that God has provided a Church building of our own where we can worship freely, set up everything that we need .

When many Churches could not gather, we have 21 days of Fasting prayer, every day we are meeting. Thats a Gods provision, many might be wondering how Christ Assembly of God is having every day prayer meeting in the house of God.

God has bigger things in store for us.

We are up for a revival.

Can we pray, Lord make me part of this revival. Use me.