Thursday, November 8, 2012

Election Night USA 2012

                               Election Night USA 2012(Dec 6th) has the following results.

1) Obama is re-elected as President of the United States of America.
2) Marijuana legalization passes in Colorado, Washington.
3)Washington, Maine and Maryland voters approved same-sex marriage.
4) Tammy Baldwin becomes the first openly gay person to be elected to the Senate.

While many people were focused on Point number 1 - that is President election, the remaining points 2,3,4 were passed and most people(or people like me) came to know about these things only after the results were announced.

Many evangelical Christians might be wondering why Obama is re-elected. and the answer is simple.
Daniel 2:21 says
"He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning."
God is the one who sets up presidents or removes them. Probably it is in Gods will for Obama to rule the USA for 4 more years. Remember, God is the one who had set up kings like Nebuchadnezzar,Cyrus,Darius  to fulfill His purposes.

Now Since President Obama is re-elected it is the duty of the Christians to pray for the President  rather than grumbling about him or being upset about him as per 1 Timothy 2:2
"Pray for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness"
My main concern to write this post is about the next 3 points
- that is  Marijuana and same-sex marriage legalization, and first openly gay person election to Senate.
 The interesting thing in these points is that the law was not made by government but rather a vote is taken if
 these things should be legalized. And people have voted for these things with overwhelming majorities.
people have voted and said
" Yes, we need Marijuana, Yes, we need same-sex marriage, Yes, we need gay person to be our law maker".

After the election night, I was thinking, "Lord Why people are rebelling against you and why are people choosing stuff that God absolutely hates ". Below are some of the questions that came in my mind.

 1) Lustful desires?
2) Cannot find Godly leaders, so choosing a Gay Leader?
3) People are seeing failed marriages and fights in Christian marriages and thinking that same-sex marriages are better?
4) Cannot find loving people around and so going for marijuana kind of stuff?
5) Chrisitians are not passing on the Godly values to their next generation, so next generations are choosing weed stuff?
6) Is it that the people around are seeing Christians and find that they are similar to them in all aspects and are compromising in the integrity?

Romans 1:26 - Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones.
Is God giving up man to their fleshly desires after waiting patiently for long time. Wait! this is an era of  Grace how can God give up? Well I believe that even in era of Grace,God can foresee through the hearts of people and their intentions. we need to know one thing that God has the best patience than any man can ever have it. Well,we cannot control others desires,but how about other questions in the above list.

Are Christians or so-called/Name-sake/Sunday Christians directly or indirectly becoming one of the causes for other people turning towards these weedy and gay stuff?

How many Christian marriage oaths taken in Gods presence are ending in divorces? Even if it is not divorce, are the Christian couples always fight with each other and becoming bad examples to their children and others in their lives? Is there love missing in christian marriages?  - Could this be the reason that many young adults who have seen their christian parents  fight/divorce are going towards gay stuff?

Are today Christians greedy for money and try to earn it by falsehood and becoming bad examples in sight of unbelievers? Are today Christians have too many worldly desires which requires more and more money and to satisfy those desires they go up to any extent of earning that money( be it leading others to money mindedness, be it going for unwanted ways to earn money). Is today Christian content and live a simple life? - Could this be the reason that people see Christians greediness and not come to churches or not listen to Gods Word and going away from the Truth?

As Christians, are we failing in loving others?  Do we love people and speak grace to the people or do we  spread rumors, gossips, cracking rotten jokes and hurting/piercing others with our words? Do we speak LIES as per our convenience. Do we love people and help them in their situations or living selfish lives. Could this be the reason that many people see rotten christian lives and are vexed with it and going to other faiths?

Do we often find Christian politicians or leaders found in money/marriage scandals?  and people see this and think a gay politician is better than scandalous christian leader?

To sum up - are we compromising in our christian walk and thus leading others to pervert stuff?

Friends, when issues like marijuana and same-sex marriage and gay leaders selections are happening,  it is time for a revival to happen in our lives. It is time to cry out to our God.

Nehemiah 1:4-7 says 

4When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven. 5 Then I said:
“Lord, the God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments, 6 let your ear be attentive and your eyes open to hear the prayer your servant is praying before you day and night for your servants, the people of Israel. I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my father’s family, have committed against you. 7 We have acted very wickedly toward you.
Here Nehemiah wept , fasted and prayed for the sake of Jerusalem. His mind was steadfast on rebuilding Jerusalem.
It is time for Christians to be like Nehemiah to fast and cry out to the Lord to deliver people from these kind of wicked nature and walk in faith.

Praise The Lord.