Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Believers often are spiritually strong in in some areas.
For some they are very good in prayer,
for some they are very good in reading word,
for some they are good in interpreting things.
for some they see visions and not seeing any more

We often find ourselves where we are strong spiritually, we sudeenly one day realize what happenned to my prayer life,
its not like before.
some say i used to read Word a lot.
We might wonder what happenned, how can we get back to those glorious victorious life.

we should always remember that God is in the business of leading His people to a victorious life.
2 Corinthians 2:14
God always leads us in triumphant procession.

2 Corinthians 2: 14 Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.
He is not a God who wants us to be defeated.
He is the God who want us to win.
He defeated death, He defeated grave, He defeated sin.
nothing in the have power against Him.
He leads us in Triumphant procession.
Procession is not a stop victory, Procession moveson till it reaches destination.

today i want to share one example of israelities who were victorious and then fallen and how again they got back to victory.
Judges 3:12-
V12 - The children of Israel again did evil in the sight of the Lord.
How did they end up doing evil. is in verse 1
The Lord has left some nations sorrounding Israel.
God allowed some nations to reamin so that they will learn war.
Sometimes we think why we face this situations,temptations to train up in war.
Remember that we are in warfare.
when Victorious procession, there is war and God leads us in victory.
v5,6 - so what happenned is instead of waging a war against these they compormised and did evil.
Then Moab,Ammonites, Amalekites attacked Israel .
all 3 nations represent flesh.
When we try to mingle with this world or compromise with this world,the flesh will dominate.
Remember the flesh is enemity with Spirit.
When Moab,Ammon, Amalekites dominated Israel, what happnned is the enemy took posession of city of palms.
The city of palms is nothing but Jericho.
Remember Jericho is the first victory that Israel got after crossing the Jordan river.
Joshua 6:20,21 In Jericho they were strong spiritually. one of the best of victories.
Now the enemy has taken posession of Jericho, where once Israel was strongest spiritually and millitary.
we can relate to this, once flesh starts dominating, then the areas where we were spiritually strong
might now be just a casuality.

Then Israel cried out to God, but before that they served 18 years.
I was wondering why did they wait for 18 years to cry out to Lord.
they might havre thought it is impossible to overcome this enemy,
this enemy is very strong.
or they might have thought i will try on my own again to defeat.
bible says submit to God and resist the devil.
sometimes we think that my anger i can never overcome.
my lust i can never overcome and we dont even pray for those areas.
but dont wait too long to cry out to God, as soon as the Holy Spirit directs you, call on the Lord

***The process of restoration our victorious ways is confess and cry out to the Lord.
V15 - Whenever the people of the Lord cried out, God is always in the process of Deliverance.
In Egypt when they cried out, he raised Moses to deliver them.
Even now when we cry out to God, God always delivers people.
2 cornithians 1:10 says
10 who delivered us from so great a death, and does[a] deliver us; in whom we trust that He will still deliver us,

Past Present Future.
God is in the process of deliverance.

The process of His deliverance might not look impressive with human logic at appearnace,
but that is His way.
He raised a man of benjamite called Ehud, a left handed man.
in those days Left handedness is not very common.
but remember in Gods plan of deliverance.
1 Corinthians 1:27 says
God choses weak things to shame the strong.
you might have little strength, you might be considered very weak person.
But in Gods plan of deliverance, He uses whatever you have and begins deliverance.

Ehud brought a tribute to the king.
When you become slave to the flesh, you need to keep satisfying the the flesh.
So when this time presenting to the king,

Ehud being left handed man, had a dagger( a short sword) on his right thigh).
Generally the soldiers check the left thigh for any weapons, but
because he is left handed he put the dagger on his right thigh.
The advantage is that soldiers wont check on him.
see whatever people might have thought as a weakness God used it to deliver the Israel.
Lets look at this dagger.
This dagger is a Doubleedged sword.
When Paul talks in Ephesians 6:17, about the armor of God
he says take the Sword of the Spirit which is Word of God.
Hebrews says the Word is double edged sword.

** In the process of deliverance, Gods Word is so precious. Use it as the Weapon.
It is called as the Sword of the Spirit

About the enemy - Brought other enemies, and also its a fat enemy
the longer the flesh is fed it becomes fat. 18 years they fed the king and he became fat.

when all people left after tribute, Ehud came back.
and said I have message from God
Ehud went and hit the enemy right at the spot.
Hit the enemy right at the spot - dont keep going round about.
sometimes we think, i give more offering may be this challenges will not come.

Also it went so deep that handle is also not visible.
Dont do half finished works to remove the sin, Dig it deep and make sure its dead.
V26-28 says Ehud went to bretheren and encouraged them and together they were victorious.
When you get victory in one area but an encouragement to the Church, teach others how to be victorious
in those areas who are going through struggle.

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