Sunday, June 25, 2017

seperated life

some people think just going to heaven is enough.

but its not some game just to enter. 
there is a separated life to live.

Matthew 24:37-39

37 But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving 
in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

John 16:33New King James Version (NKJV)

33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will[a] have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

Deuteronomy 32:11

Hovers over its young,
Spreading out its wings, taking them up,
Carrying them on its wings,
12 So the Lord alone led him,
And there was no foreign god with him.


separated life
Their life is different from others.
Esther 3:8
Then Haman said to King Ahasuerus, “There is a certain people scattered and dispersed among the people in all the provinces of your kingdom; their laws are different from all other people’s, and they do not keep the king’s laws. Therefore it is not fitting for the king to let them remain.

Peter says enough we lived in old times
1 peter 4:3
 For we have spent enough of our past lifetime[b] in doing the will of the Gentiles—when we walked in lewdness, lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties, and abominable idolatries. 

Matthew 24:13King James Version (KJV)

13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Psalm 115

Praise the Lord!

Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us,
But to Your name give glory,

God created us for His glory

Isaiah 43:7
Everyone who is called by My name,
Whom I have created for My glory;

I have formed him, yes, I have made him.”

This is the key for a believers life.

Proverbs 25:27
It is not good to eat much honey;
So to seek one’s own glory is not glory.

Today the Church is in a state of unto man , unto man is the glory.
Giving Glory to God is what is missing. we sing good songs of giving glory to God.
but when it comes to action, we say I should be glorified.

We many times cannot love others, or forgive others is why? not because the other person did some bad thing, it is because inside of our heart we seek glory for ourselves.

when man tries to take glory, the unity in the Church will be missing.

Our Father Abraham 's life is the best example.

Romans 4:20

20 He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, 21 and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform. 22 And therefore “it was accounted to him for righteousness.”[f]

He was living by one constant thing - giving glory to God.

Many times we fight for silly things, this is mine, that is mine.
Abraham did not fight with Lot - you take first. the 

The benefits of the giving glory to God.

when you learn to give glory to God, you know it is not mans work, but it is Gods work. so you get strengthened in faith.
Because He gave glory to God, He was fully convinced that God performs.

V2)  When the believers seeks glory, people will say where is their God.

Why should the Gentiles say,
“So where is their God?”

Do we have good health? Not unto us
Do we have good jobs? Not unto us
Do we have good family, people taking care of us? Not unto us
Do we have good Church? not unto us
Do we have talents? Not unto us
Are you being used in Church ? not unto us

Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us,
But to Your name give glory,