2 Samuel 8 : 11-14.
Nothing in scripture portion of 2 Samuel suggests that they were lost and any tone of lamentation.
It all sounds victory.
The situation could be that While David was fighting with Syria and Moab, and Joab commander might be fighting somewhere else and suddenly there might have been an attack from Edom.
And when Joab returned he killed 12 thousand.
1 Chronicles 18:12 says Abhisai, brother of Joab killed 18000 people.
Here we see the battle was great, the results are favorable for Israel and in this context Psalmist says My God deserves a song in this situation.
David is a man who has new song for every situation in his life.
We sing songs like God is good all the time, He s put a song of praise in this heart of mine.
David heart is like this
If Victory-, oh its a victory for me, God deserves a song.
If Trouble - oh its a trouble situation, my God deserves a song.
Coming to Psalm -
First David deals with root cause of the problem. Why this wars have come - why this troubles arise from the neighbors (syria, edom, moab).
In software , we call it as RCA ( root cause analysis of the defects that software has).
So he got the Victory, he killed so many people, and he made a name for himself and now he sits down and do the root cause analysis of the whole situation.
The main thing David noted root cause : God is displeased.
A man like David sitting down after a victory and see the situation came because God is displeased.
Is my life pleasing to God? When Lord Jesus was baptized, the voice of God says This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.
A life in which God is pleased, is a blessed life.
The life of Jesus is one where God was pleased.
Here David makes a confession that Lord it is because You were displeased that all things wars have come.
But in the midst of all chaos, confusions, You have raised a banner of Truth for us.
The banner in the olden times is used to gathering all people or signal the troops.
Here it talks about Banner of God, where in the times of confusion, chaos if there one banner where people can go is Lord Jesus Christ.
After the Prayer God Spoke:
Judah and Ephraim are symbols of Gods kingship.
When we go in prayer, God speaks, and He speaks of the relationship that we have with Him.
See how great a God we have. He looks to as His authority and kingship.
but to the enemies He says wash pot and sandals.
Lessons Learned:
V 11 - help of man is useless.
Only God can give the victory.
Nothing in scripture portion of 2 Samuel suggests that they were lost and any tone of lamentation.
It all sounds victory.
The situation could be that While David was fighting with Syria and Moab, and Joab commander might be fighting somewhere else and suddenly there might have been an attack from Edom.
And when Joab returned he killed 12 thousand.
1 Chronicles 18:12 says Abhisai, brother of Joab killed 18000 people.
Here we see the battle was great, the results are favorable for Israel and in this context Psalmist says My God deserves a song in this situation.
David is a man who has new song for every situation in his life.
We sing songs like God is good all the time, He s put a song of praise in this heart of mine.
David heart is like this
If Victory-, oh its a victory for me, God deserves a song.
If Trouble - oh its a trouble situation, my God deserves a song.
Coming to Psalm -
First David deals with root cause of the problem. Why this wars have come - why this troubles arise from the neighbors (syria, edom, moab).
In software , we call it as RCA ( root cause analysis of the defects that software has).
So he got the Victory, he killed so many people, and he made a name for himself and now he sits down and do the root cause analysis of the whole situation.
The main thing David noted root cause : God is displeased.
A man like David sitting down after a victory and see the situation came because God is displeased.
Is my life pleasing to God? When Lord Jesus was baptized, the voice of God says This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.
A life in which God is pleased, is a blessed life.
The life of Jesus is one where God was pleased.
Here David makes a confession that Lord it is because You were displeased that all things wars have come.
But in the midst of all chaos, confusions, You have raised a banner of Truth for us.
The banner in the olden times is used to gathering all people or signal the troops.
Here it talks about Banner of God, where in the times of confusion, chaos if there one banner where people can go is Lord Jesus Christ.
After the Prayer God Spoke:
Judah and Ephraim are symbols of Gods kingship.
When we go in prayer, God speaks, and He speaks of the relationship that we have with Him.
See how great a God we have. He looks to as His authority and kingship.
but to the enemies He says wash pot and sandals.
Lessons Learned:
V 11 - help of man is useless.
Only God can give the victory.