V 1.
Psalmist says he trusted in the Lord and also he walked in integrity, so he shall not slip.
Trusting in the Lord - Walking in integrity. are connected things.
Let us say I don't have a job for 1 months. and now i have to pay the bills.
I trusted in the Lord, but slowly my trust is fading, because I don't see the job coming
Now there came a opportunity, that if you fake your resume for 10 years of experience then you will definitely get the job.
and you decided that since my job is not coming, I dont know whether God will give or not, but let me just put some extra experience.
Since your trust in God has come down and you compromised on integrity , and the result is you slip in your character.
lots things christians do these days, faking medical bills, rental bills,
Shedrach Mesach Abednego -
Forget about jobs , bills and food, people are ready to lose their lives.
Pastor Dinesh - If you put gun on your head and asked if you are christian, then true Christianity will come out
We sit here comfortably and get compromise on lots of things.
This is a challenge today, Do we truly trust in the Lord or like Esau are we saying forget about birthright, first let me have a meal and compromising on integrity.
Luke 18:8
Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”
what this verse means, When Lord Jesus comes back, will he find people who did not compromise with the world and fully trusted in Him.
Not for how many times i came to pulpit and preached, not whether choir has performed well or not.
Did you walk in the righteousness He has given.
Its replica of Psalm 1.
In Psalm1 he says blessed is the one who does all these things, and here in psalm 26 he says i did all these things.
V8 - Lord I love the habitation of your hourse and your glory.
Loving Gods presence.
many of us like to be with people are rich.
Exodus 33:15
Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here
Daniel 6:10
10 Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days.
For us, God should be like our breath.Can you live without breathing. God should be like that for each one of us.
Lord If you are not there, I don't exist.
Church, let us trust fully in the Lord, and our walk in integrity depends on how much we trust the Lord and Love the presence of the Lord.
Psalmist says he trusted in the Lord and also he walked in integrity, so he shall not slip.
Trusting in the Lord - Walking in integrity. are connected things.
Let us say I don't have a job for 1 months. and now i have to pay the bills.
I trusted in the Lord, but slowly my trust is fading, because I don't see the job coming
Now there came a opportunity, that if you fake your resume for 10 years of experience then you will definitely get the job.
and you decided that since my job is not coming, I dont know whether God will give or not, but let me just put some extra experience.
Since your trust in God has come down and you compromised on integrity , and the result is you slip in your character.
lots things christians do these days, faking medical bills, rental bills,
Shedrach Mesach Abednego -
Forget about jobs , bills and food, people are ready to lose their lives.
Pastor Dinesh - If you put gun on your head and asked if you are christian, then true Christianity will come out
We sit here comfortably and get compromise on lots of things.
This is a challenge today, Do we truly trust in the Lord or like Esau are we saying forget about birthright, first let me have a meal and compromising on integrity.
Luke 18:8
Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”
what this verse means, When Lord Jesus comes back, will he find people who did not compromise with the world and fully trusted in Him.
Not for how many times i came to pulpit and preached, not whether choir has performed well or not.
Did you walk in the righteousness He has given.
Its replica of Psalm 1.
In Psalm1 he says blessed is the one who does all these things, and here in psalm 26 he says i did all these things.
V8 - Lord I love the habitation of your hourse and your glory.
Loving Gods presence.
many of us like to be with people are rich.
Exodus 33:15
Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here
Daniel 6:10
10 Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days.
For us, God should be like our breath.Can you live without breathing. God should be like that for each one of us.
Church, let us trust fully in the Lord, and our walk in integrity depends on how much we trust the Lord and Love the presence of the Lord.