Dear Friends, I am into the book of Isaiah now. The reading of the first chapter has prompted me to write this post.
Isaiah chapter 1 Verse 18 says
“Come now, let us settle the matter,”
says the Lord.
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
they shall be like wool.
In Indian villages, if there is any dispute between two parties or individuals, they go to village heads to settle the dispute. Very rarely, the dispute gets settled without outsiders intervention. It is very hard for people to settle a dispute by themselves because there is so much of enemity,hatred. When I think of this in the spiritual realm, because of our sinful nature we had enemity with God. Many people have this guilty feeling about the sins they have committed. Some say " I committed so many unimaginable sins that God can never forgive". Some others say "The present situation I am in, Even God cannot deliver/forgive me for these situations". Some people say "I made a mess of life and destined to hell".
But friends, if we carefully read the above verse in Isaiah, God is calling is each one of us to come to Him to settle the matter. Can you ever imagine the Almighty God who is Holy and Righteous asking sinners like you and i, to come and settle the matter. Our sins may be like scarlet or red as crimson which indicates the worst of worst sins that you and me committed or it could indicate the mess of our lives, but God says when we approach Him, He washes us with the Holy Blood of His Son Jesus Christ and makes us like white as snow and like wool.
Scarlet or red as Crimson to white as snow or wool?
Yes it could be any mess we are in or it could be worst of the sins we have committed, let us approach this Loving God who sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins.
Remember, Jesus says in Matthew chapter 9, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick".
Come Now and settle the matter with God.- Amen
Isaiah chapter 1 Verse 18 says
“Come now, let us settle the matter,”
says the Lord.
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
they shall be like wool.
In Indian villages, if there is any dispute between two parties or individuals, they go to village heads to settle the dispute. Very rarely, the dispute gets settled without outsiders intervention. It is very hard for people to settle a dispute by themselves because there is so much of enemity,hatred. When I think of this in the spiritual realm, because of our sinful nature we had enemity with God. Many people have this guilty feeling about the sins they have committed. Some say " I committed so many unimaginable sins that God can never forgive". Some others say "The present situation I am in, Even God cannot deliver/forgive me for these situations". Some people say "I made a mess of life and destined to hell".
But friends, if we carefully read the above verse in Isaiah, God is calling is each one of us to come to Him to settle the matter. Can you ever imagine the Almighty God who is Holy and Righteous asking sinners like you and i, to come and settle the matter. Our sins may be like scarlet or red as crimson which indicates the worst of worst sins that you and me committed or it could indicate the mess of our lives, but God says when we approach Him, He washes us with the Holy Blood of His Son Jesus Christ and makes us like white as snow and like wool.
Scarlet or red as Crimson to white as snow or wool?
Yes it could be any mess we are in or it could be worst of the sins we have committed, let us approach this Loving God who sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins.
Remember, Jesus says in Matthew chapter 9, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick".
Come Now and settle the matter with God.- Amen